

Project planning has become one of the most fundamental processes for companies offering their services in development fields. The desired outcome of these projects can be achieved through the use of adequate tools and effective project planning. LFA (Logical Framework Approach) principles are used extensively in relief and development organizations today.

This comprehensive Course addresses the needs of employees and leaders in the development sphere to enhance their project planning skills. The techniques imparted in this program will make sure that organizations can successfully conduct community projects with increased performance.


This Course will provide you with:

  • Known rural development biases
  • Approaches to actively involve stakeholders
  • Problem Tree principles – identify and deal with needs and problems in social development projects
  • Objective Tree principles – set SMART goals
  • The definition and practical use of LFA
  • The role of PCM (Project Cycle Management) in the goal-setting

Who Should Attend

All participants attending this Course will gain knowledge and hands-on skills for planning projects within communities. NGO and NPO management, CEOs, enterprise owners and project managers all stand to improve their existing skills to make sure their projects within the development sphere are a success.


Day One

  • Definition of a problem/need in relief and development
  • Biases of rural development
  • The cause and effect approach for fact finding
  • The problem tree

Day Two

  • Using identified problems to set objectives
  • SMART Objectives
  • The Objective Tree
  • Project Goal and Objectives

Day Three

  • The LFA
  • Using LFA for project planning
  • Logical Framework Matrix and its content

Day Four

  • Intervention Logic
  • Indicators, Source/Means of Verification
  • Assumptions
  • Practical Work on cases and scenarios

Day Five

  • Cost estimation and Pre-conditions for a project
  • Group Presentation on Project Cases
  • The proper use of LFA for project/program evaluation


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